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Ny Earthquake Map

**Recent Earthquakes Near New York in the United States** The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has reported several earthquakes near New York within the last 24 hours. The largest of these earthquakes was a magnitude 2.5 event that occurred 0 kilometers south-southwest of South Glens Falls, New York, at 11:39 PM Eastern Time on May 29, 2021. This earthquake was felt by residents in the area, but no damage or injuries have been reported. In addition to the magnitude 2.5 earthquake, there have been several other smaller earthquakes near New York in the past 24 hours. These earthquakes range in magnitude from 1.0 to 2.4 and have occurred in various locations around the state. The USGS's Latest Earthquake web application displays information in real-time and near-real-time for earthquakes with magnitudes of 2.5 or greater. This application can be used to view the locations, magnitudes, and times of recent earthquakes, as well as information on earthquakes in specific areas. Residents of New York should be aware of the potential for earthquakes in the region and should take precautions to ensure their safety. These precautions include securing heavy objects, having an emergency plan in place, and being aware of the signs of an earthquake.
